Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Goodbye Little Friends...

Our neighbors just sold their house and are moving away. They were up all night packing and moving. Over the last five years, mostly in the last two, Nick and Gabby have forged a friendship with the youngest members of our neighbor family...Michael and Julia. They've danced and skipped up and down the sidewalk, painted rocks, covered the sidewalk with chalk drawings, hunted for rolie polies, eaten snacks on the porch swing, splashed in sprinklers and wading pools, sprayed one another with the garden hose, raced up and down the sidewalk on their trikes and bikes and scooters, flagged down the ice cream truck and shared in many other Spring and Summer front yard, porch and sidewalk adventures. This last summer, Michael even helped teach Nicholas to ride a two wheeler without any training wheels. And now it's time to say goodbye. Nick and Gabby don't understand why their little friends have to move...they're not yet old enough to know about moving for a better job or to understand why anyone would move out of one house and into another. Our neighbors are moving out of state and us adults are friendly enough in passing, but we're not friends and won't stay in touch, but I hope that Nick and Gabby keep fond memories of some of their first friends ever.

What a motley crew these guys made sitting on the porch swing, munching on Doritos in their funny little outfits. It started to sprinkle while they were playing so someone ran for an umbrella and they all huddled under it, giggling and laughing,
Dorito breath and all.

Julia gives Gabby and baby doll a ride.

Diggin' for Rolie Polies (this really isn't that dangerous and shouldn't require head protection)

Nicholas rides without training wheels! (spurred on by Michael)

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