Monday, August 6, 2007

the Beagles

We brought our beagles home on July 8th (we returned from our vacation late, late, late July 7th) The kids were so excited to have them HOME finally! Bingo and Lucky are doing great and we're having lots of fun with them. Bingo seems to have the more "happy go lucky" personality of the two. Lucky is more timid and doesn't always enjoy all the hugs and squeezes and running around of two 5 year olds. They're both sweet, though, and love their humans. We love them too. Here are some of the photos I've taken of them since they've come home.


Monique said...

they're so cute! I hve already decided our next dog will be a beagle...a taller version of our current dachshunds ;)

Anonymous said...

Lucky, lucky! My little Marcel has been studying dog breeds, preparing for the day when he finally gets to choose a pal of his own. He periodically asks, "Mom, what's your favorite?" And I always answer, "Beagle." I can't wait to show him yours. Adorable!