Saturday, August 4, 2007

at The Farm

I know I still need to post more vacation photos...but for now I'm back to the present. Chad worked out of town all week (and will be out of town for the next two weeks as least he's home on the weekends!) So, the kids and I decided to take a little break and head to the farm for a couple nights. We just hung out, relaxed, enjoyed the farm and the Farm Grandma and Grampa...played some cards, watched HGTV, walked in the woods...we really love it out there. I've been wanting to take photos of Gabby in the tall grass just before sunset for a while now...and she finally "let" me.

You may be wondering where Nick was during these photos...he was traipsing through the field with us...little white summer dress and all.

We walked to the forest the next day...

Gabby even took some photos during our visit to The's one she took of moi!

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